Tuesday, May 4, 2010

FIFA World Cup in Toronto

The FIFA World Cup came to Toronto last Wednesday (April 28th). And as suspected, it didn't get as much attention. Well, it was near the end of the tour and it will soon go to Africa and will stay there until it is rewarded to the the next World Cup champion in June.

My ticket was for 6 PM and I planned to be there half hour ahead, but damn subway was delayed again (what's new?) for exactly 30 minutes! So I was late actually, but it wasn't matter, I just got in line and wait for the next group. It seemed, they let people in a group of 30 or something, so is to keep people moving along. We got into the first room where there were all sorts of entertainments like a live dancing and drumming, SONY had the PS3 hooked up to a few big screen TVs, and s shooting gallery (soccer balls, of course); and then they have a mini field and goal set up completed with a small corner flag. the purpose is to shoot the ball into the net then you go crazy celebrating! The best part was that they taped the whole thing and you'll get to see it on TV. Among my group, I can see a few Italians, wearing some different Serie A team jersey, and of course the Azzurri blue. There were Argentina jersey, there are Brazil jersey and even a lone Dutchman, and a group of young men carrying an Algerian flag around. And as usual, you won't see Canadian flag nor jersey in such occasion. Well, at least for this World Cup 2010, it featured the theme song by a Canadian artist K'naan. You'll hear the title song "Wavin' Flag" a lot more in the next six weeks!

Then we were led to another room for a short 3-D movie, made by Coca-cola about memories from the past World Cups and a glimpse of what might happen in the future. I supposed those parts are just to showcase some 3-D thingy, so people wowed at every balls flying towards them. After a fun ride, we are onto the real purpose of the day, get as close to the trophy as possible. We lined up and each will take turn to go stand next to the trophy. We weren't allowed to take any pictures ourselves. Instead, they took the pictures. I saw two cameras, and a quick snap and you are asked to leave. they printed out the pictures right the way, and there's also a code on the photo so you can get a digital copy of the photo if you go to the FIFA web site.

Now after all these, the official mascot only appeared then. I had to go back to get a quick picture of him. How silly.

All in all, it was still a little fun. And I supposed that might be as close to the trophy as I can be in my lifetime!