Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oh yeah! Blame the Ball!

I saw these two incidents and it made me wonder: is it really the ball?

1. Uruguay vs South Africa. Uruguay had the ball in their back half, just 10 yards from the midfield. There were no other team players in sight in their half. The left back had the ball and tried to organize an attack. Instead of going forward, he decided to flick the ball to the other wing. However, he hit the ball so hard and aimed right between two team mates. Nobody got to the ball and the ball bounced out of the line. South Africa got a thrown in, in the Uruguay's half! How was that happen? How could that happen in this level?

2. Greece vs Nigeria. Nigeria on the attack, this player hit the ball real hard towards the Greek end from 30 yards out. (I use the word "hit" because I wasn't sure if he wanted to shoot or pass. It was too weak to be a shot, yet too hard if it was a pass). Anyway, the ball was way off target and pretty obvious it will be a goal kick. However, the Greek goalie tried his best to save it going over the line, and he actually touched the ball before it went out of line. So instead of a sure goal kick for Greece, it became a corner kick for Nigeria! How was that happen? How could that happen in this level?

If this is tennis, they will call that an "unforced error". I never seen anything like that, especially at this level. So what happened? Then I remember a lot of comments about the new ball. With a newly designed game ball every tournament, and the ever changing new technology, it seems we always embrace new technology except the new ball! You never hear players complaint about the shoes are getting too light that they can't feel a thing. Or the shirts are too airy that they feel naked. But the ball, oh that's devil. The ball will affect players' performance. They can't control it, they can't shot it the way they wanted; they can't even pass the ball straight!

If tournaments after tournaments, players just complain about the ball, then should we just stop finding the perfect ball? Just use a round shaped object. Or just use a rubber ball. You know all these older players used to play with when they were kids. And they always say how they managed to learn all these skills with all these different kind of round-shaped objects? Pele never complain that he couldn't play a game of soccer with a old sock filled with old newspaper.

Oh well, enough jokes. The truth is people in this generation tend to find excuses. If I made a mistake, it's not my fault, it's the ball! And this might be shocking to some, but better equipments don't make you a better player! Yes, it's true. So quit your whining already!

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